Tuesday, 12 June 2007

Jour de répos - London

I decided a few miles out of town that it might be wiser in the long term to take a day off, even this early, and consolidate my training efforts from the first couple of days, as well as resting some of the sorer bits. Anyway, my mum reminded me that the third day of a tour is always the hardest. A quick état des lieux:
  • Cardiovascular system: apparently coping. Possibly not too stetched because of weak legs.
  • Legs: quads achy but not too bad. the tendon behind my left knee hurts a bit, but it's done that every time I've ridden more than a couple of miles since about 1975. Climbing definitely not what it used to be.
  • Backside: could be worse. Would be nice if it were better.
  • Morale: good
  • Digestion: beh. I shall reserve references to the Bristol Stool Scale for 40% postings.

Anyway, early night, early start, tomorrow's target will be Canterbury. In the interim, I'm bumming around Central London all day, so if anyone wants to say hello, feel free. Phone number's over there somewhere -->

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

stretching streeeechhhhing...